Despertar de Um Pesadelo Lyrics Translation in English

JAX Maromba
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Poha tive um pesadelo,difícil de explicar

Damn, I had a nightmare, hard to explain

Por onde começar?pera ai vou te contar

Where do I start? Hold on, I'll tell you

Dia tranquilo,a uns anos atrás

Calm day, a few years ago

Uma historial real,um muleque sem paz

A real story, a kid without peace

Mochila nas costas,suando pra caralho

Backpack on his back, sweating like hell

Passos bem lentos,sempre solitário

Steps very slow, always lonely

Entra na escola,atravessa o portão

Enters the school, crosses the gate

Pra ele um inferno,sem diversão

For him, a hell, no fun

Avistado de longe,todos dando risada

Spotted from afar, everyone laughing

Talvez pela aparência,era gordinho mais nada

Maybe because of appearance, he was chubby, nothing more

Ele não entendia,por que que todo dia

He didn't understand why every day

Alguém o empurrava,ou alguém o batia

Someone pushed him or someone hit him

As vezes voltava rocho,com a cara machucada

Sometimes came back bruised, face battered

Falava pra mãe,que caiu da escada

Told his mom he fell down the stairs

Preferia esconder,preferia omitir

Preferred to hide, preferred to omit

Tinha medo de tudo,so queria sumir

Feared everything, just wanted to disappear

Tirado por professores e alunos sem motivos

Taken by teachers and students for no reason

No recreio ali sentado,sozinho sem amigos

In the playground sitting alone without friends

Um estrago na infância, poderia custar caro

A damage in childhood could cost dearly

Tava ali chorando,no seu canto parado

There, crying, in his corner standing

Olhando a pelada,dos moleques da escola

Watching the boys' game at school

As mina tudo olhando,os mauricinho jogando bola

The girls all watching, the rich kids playing ball

O ódio tomou conta,processo natural

Hatred took over, a natural process

De alguém que cresceu,rodeado pelo mal

For someone who grew up surrounded by evil

O gordinho excluído,do jogo no recreio

The excluded chubby from the game at recess

Não corria pra nada,tomado pelo medo

Didn't run for anything, consumed by fear

Avistou do outro lado,sentado la no canto

Saw on the other side, sitting there in the corner

Um muleque magrelinho,sozinho chorando

A skinny kid, alone, crying

Ele não entendeu,foi la pro outro lado

He didn't understand, went to the other side

Começaram conversar,sobre tudo sentados

Started talking, about everything, sitting

No canto da boca,uma gota de sangue

In the corner of his mouth, a drop of blood

O muleque magrelinho,apanhou de uma gangue

The skinny kid, beaten by a gang

Pivetes da escola,que queriam seu dinheiro

Little rascals from school, wanting his money

Como se defender,se não tinha parceiro?

How to defend if he had no partner?

O gordinho entendia,tudo que ele dizia

The chubby understood everything he said

Era tipo ele mesmo,assim se sentia

It was like himself, that's how he felt

Sofrimento era o mesmo, eles se entendiam

The suffering was the same, they understood each other

Pareciam se conhecer,dificilmente sorriam

Seemed to know each other, hardly smiled

Criaram amizade,juntos andavam

They formed a friendship, walked together

Era o gordo e o magro,assim os zuavam

It was the fat and the skinny, that's how they teased

Choravam…mesmo assim seguiram firmes

They cried... but still, they stood firm

Imaginando o roteiro,o fim desse filme

Imagining the script, the end of this movie

Quem sofre na infância sabe bem como eh

Those who suffer in childhood know how it is

Levar golpes da vida,..e continuar de pé

Take blows from life... and still stand

Juntos ate na hora,na hora de apanhar

Together even at the time, the time to take a beating

No fim daquela aula,alguém vai chorar

At the end of that class, someone will cry

Os 2 sairam juntos,a aula acabou

The two left together, the class ended

Mais algo esperava,no final do corredor

But something awaited at the end of the hallway

A gangue de moleques, estavam a espera

The gang of kids was waiting

Chutes e socos,parecia uma guerra

Kicks and punches, seemed like a war

Ninguém dizia nada,escola de marginal

No one said anything, a school of thugs

Parecia o inferno,o reino do mal

Seemed like hell, the realm of evil

Um dia pra esquecer,mas não seria fácil

A day to forget, but it wouldn't be easy

Hematomas na perna,no rosto e no braço

Bruises on the leg, on the face, and on the arm

Um tempo depois,resolveram mudar

Some time later, they decided to change

Cansaram de tudo,nunca mais vao apanhar

Tired of everything, they'll never be beaten again

Amizade aumentou,ali entre os 2

Friendship grew, between the two

Uns anos se passaram,algum tempo depois

Several years passed, some time later

Fudidos e zuados,aprenderam revidar

Fucked up and teased, they learned to fight back

Na adolescência resolveram pesquisar

In adolescence, they decided to explore

Escolheram o esporte,pra mudar a sua vida

Chose sports to change their lives

Entrou na academia,pra luta,pra briga

Entered the gym, for fighting, for brawling

Dietas diferentes,pra treinos iguais

Different diets, same workouts

Muleques zoados,se tornando abomai

Teased kids, becoming respected

Não perdia seu tempo,com baladas e bebidas

Didn't waste time with parties and drinks

Os 2 tavam cientes,e mudavam sua vida

Both were aware, changing their lives

Com o tempo perceberam,tudo tinha mudado

Over time, they realized everything had changed

Nas mina da cidade,já faziam estrago

In the city, they were making an impact on girls

Cade aquela gangue,que os batiam na escola?

Where is that gang that beat them at school?

46 De braço, intimida na hora

46 in arms, intimidates instantly

Fim de um pesadelo,acordando para a vida

End of a nightmare, waking up to life

Acorde vc tbm,e cure essa ferida!

Wake up too, and heal this wound!

Added by Tatiana Fernandes
Lisbon, Portugal October 31, 2024
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