Movidos Pela Graça Lyrics Translation in English

JMN - Missões Nacionais
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Me alcançou

He reached me

Com graça me libertou

With grace, he set me free

Um alto preço pagou

A high price he paid

Cristo por mim na cruz

Christ for me on the cross

Foi por amor

It was out of love

Maior prova de amor

The greatest proof of love

Mesmo sem merecer

Even without deserving

Fui perdoado

I was forgiven

Meu coração

My heart

Transborda de gratidão

Overflows with gratitude

Quero, enquanto viver

I want, as long as I live

Por Deus ser usado

To be used by God

Amar é repartir

To love is to share

Compartilhar a esperança

To share hope

Movidos pela graça!

Moved by grace!

Preciosa Graça de Jesus

Precious Grace of Jesus

Que um dia me salvou

That one day saved me

Perdido andei

I wandered lost

Sem ver a luz

Without seeing the light

Mas Cristo me encontrou

But Christ found me

Added by Rafael Oliveira
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau March 6, 2025
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