Tem Compaixão de Mim Lyrics Translation in English
Neto MarquesPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Tem compaixão de mim, Senhor, Te peço filho de Davi!
Have compassion on me, Lord, I ask you, son of David!
Tem compaixão de mim, Senhor, como aquele servo chamado Bartimeu.
Have compassion on me, Lord, like that servant called Bartimaeus.
Eu entrego a ti Senhor, toda minha vida, passado e presente,
I surrender to you, Lord, all my life, past and present,
Basta que me toques e tudo, enfim, será diferente...
Just touch me, and everything, in the end, will be different...
São noites de angustias, ninguem entende, relembrando o passado
Nights of anguish, no one understands, recalling the past,
Será rejeição? Falta de perdão?Planos fracassados.
Is it rejection? Lack of forgiveness? Failed plans.
Traumas e angustias, são feridas profundas, só Deus pode ver,
Traumas and anxieties, deep wounds, only God can see,
Entregue-se a ele, ele te restaura, acredite pode crer.
Surrender to Him, He restores you, believe, you can trust.
Tem compaixão de mim...
Have compassion on me...
Aonde iremos nós Senhor, tu tens palavras de vida eterna
Where will we go, Lord? You have words of eternal life.
Aonde iremos nós senhor, ru és a nossa salvação
Where will we go, Lord? You are our salvation.
Vamos dar as mãos e cantar a nossa vitória,
Let's join hands and sing our victory,
Somente a ti senhor pertence o louvor o poder e a glória.
Only to you, Lord, belongs praise, power, and glory.
Tem compaixão de mim...
Have compassion on me...