Bugio da Fronteira Lyrics Translation in English
Os SerranosPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Ronca o bugio de Lagoa Vacaria e serra abaixo
The bugle roars from Lagoa Vacaria and down the hills
Mas esse veio da fronteira com chapéu de barbicacho
But this one from the border with a barbicacho hat
De bombacha e alpargata e gaiteiro de oito baixo Bis
With bombacha and alpargata, and a gaucho with an eight-bass accordion
(Se te pego bugio eu te toso
(If I catch you, bugle, I'll shear you
Te tosando te tiro o cartaz
Shearing you, I'll take away your poster
E te largo de cola erguida
And leave you with your tail up
E a cachorrada de atrás)
And the pack of dogs behind)
O bugio, bicho atrevido se chegou com manha de sancho
The bugle, audacious creature, approached with cunning
Com olhar de sorro manso e as garras de iguais a carancho
With the gaze of a gentle sorro and claws like a carancho
Se escondeu da cachorrada e foi bater lá no meu rancho Bis
He hid from the pack of dogs and came knocking at my ranch
O bugio fez reviria no meu galpão de campanha
The bugle made a mess in my campaign shed
Desde o varal de morcilha ao velho tacho de banha
From the sausage rack to the old lard pot
Se empanturrou com meu charque e se afogou na minha canha Bis
He stuffed himself with my dried meat and drowned in my cane liquor
E depois se foi a la cria satisfeito e batendo no bucho
And then he left, satisfied, slapping his belly
E gritando se alguém achou ruim pode vim que eu agüento o repuxo
And shouting, if anyone is upset, they can come, I can handle it
E quem visse via o capeta disfarçado de gaúcho Bis
And whoever saw, saw the devil disguised as a gaucho