Fazenda da Viuva

Porca Véia
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Numa fazenda povoada, a uma viúva pertencia

In a populated farm, a widow owned

Quadra de sesmarias, mas tudo meio atirado

A patch of sesmarias, but everything somewhat neglected

Alguns capão de mato serve de abrigo no inverno

Some thickets served as shelter in winter

De onde tiravam o cerno pra arrumar os alambrados

Where they took the antler to fix the fences

Um terreiro de galinha carijó, pena de seda

A chicken yard with speckled hens, silky feathers

Por baixo do arvoredo havia alguns cabritos

Under the trees, there were some young goats

Uma invernada grande, um lajeado cruzava ao meio

A large wintering ground, a stone-crossing in the middle

E onde cerrava o rodeio era um chapadão bonito

And where they closed the rodeo was a beautiful plateau

O sal botado no chão pois nem cocho não havia

The salt thrown on the ground because there wasn't even a trough

Boi de três anos na cria ainda quase tudo touro

Three-year-old cattle still mostly bulls

Bagual veio criado as crinas arrastavam no chão

Untamed horse, mane dragging on the ground

Uns quarenta redomão e uma tropilha de mouro

Some forty freshly broken-in horses and a herd of dark horses

Um índio desses gaudérios, mandado nos quatro ventos

One of those Gaucho Indians, sent in all directions

Pra falar do casamento, na estância se chegou

To talk about marriage, he arrived at the ranch

Já de primeira vista deu de encontro com ela

At first sight, he collided with her

De a cavalo numa sela, num petiço marchador

On horseback in a saddle, on a pacing gelding

Convidado pra sala, onde foi bem recebido

Invited to the living room, where he was well received

Pôs o chapéu no cabide, num gesto muito bonito

He hung his hat on the rack, in a very nice gesture

Logo foi pra cozinha e lhe ofereceram um pastel

Soon he went to the kitchen, and they offered him a turnover

Também tinha pão com mel, café preto e bolo frito

There was also bread with honey, black coffee, and fried cake

Foi poucas palheteadas e logo entrou no assunto

After a few guitar strums, he quickly got to the point

Casar e viver junto, estaria disposto

To marry and live together, he was willing

Aflita ela disse haver duas precisão

Worried, she said there were two conditions

A fazendo do Patrão e eu preciso de encosto

The boss's farm and I need support

Botou a fazenda em ordem, já não tendo o que fazer

He put the farm in order, with nothing else to do

Se associou no C.T. g e se entrosou com a gaúcha

Joined the C.T.G. and connected with the Gaucha

Quando roncava a gaita, a viúva tava pronta

When the accordion played, the widow was ready

E o índio puxava a ponta numa rancheira flauteada

And the Indian led the dance in a flute-driven rancheira

Added by Ana Silva
Lisbon, Portugal July 17, 2024
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