Ojé de Egum Lyrics Translation in English
Roque FerreiraPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu quero a festa bonita
I want the beautiful party
Da moça que canta Na roda de santo
Of the girl who sings in the sacred circle
De búzio, espelho, guizo e conta
With cowrie shells, mirror, rattle, and beads
Amor de touca na toca de tocaia
Love with a cap in the hideout of ambush
Beira da saia da sereia
On the edge of the mermaid's skirt
Que o vento na praia de Ponta de Areia
That the wind on the beach of Ponta de Areia
Na Lua meia beija e balança
In the half-moon kisses and sways
O couro com fome come egbomi
The hungry leather eats egbomi
E some na dança do mar de Olokun
And disappears in the dance of the sea of Olokun
Ê obaladê ê rum
Ê obaladê ê rum
Eu quero a paz do Ojé de Egum
I want the peace of the Ojé de Egum
Added by
Fabio Santos
Luanda, Angola
August 1, 2024
Esses Moços, Pobres Moços
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