Um Raio de Luz Lyrics Translation in English

Vicente Celestino
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Um dia um pastor estava pregando

One day a pastor was preaching

Ao povo que fôra no templo orar

To the people who had come to pray in the temple

E eis que um cortejo ali foi entrando

And behold, a procession entered there

Com vários palhaços de pernas pro ar

With various clowns walking on their hands

Seguia o cortejo mais outro palhaço

Another clown followed the procession

Com a filha aleijada que triste pendia

With his crippled daughter sadly hanging

E um par de muletas em extremo cansaço

And a pair of crutches in extreme fatigue

Até que chegaram aos pés de maria

Until they reached the feet of Mary

Madona disse ele nos estamos pecando

Madonna, he said, we are sinning

E vimos pagando a promessa que fiz

And we come paying the promise we made

Salvai minha filha que vive penando

Save my daughter who suffers

Depois de ter dado um salto infeliz

After making an unfortunate leap

Me vejo alquebrado doente, senhora

I find myself broken, ill, lady

Se tento trabalho as costas me dão

If I try to work, my back gives in

Alguns já me chamam de velho, cai fora

Some already call me old, go away

E outros me negam pedaços de pão

And others deny me pieces of bread

Enquanto o artista implorava com fé

While the artist pleaded with faith

Um raio de luz nos dois foi pousar

A ray of light landed on both of us

De assombro os artistas ficaram de pé

The artists stood in astonishment

E a jovem perfeita se viu caminhar

And the perfect young lady found herself walking

Já sem as muletas que depositou

Already without the crutches he had placed

Aos pés de maria sorrindo a chorar

At the feet of Mary, smiling and crying

Daí em diante no espírito saltou

From then on, in the spirit, he leaped

O pobre palhaço poder descansar

The poor clown could finally rest

Added by Eduardo Oliveira
São Luís, Brazil December 29, 2024
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