Nos Varzedos da Fronteira Lyrics Translation in English
Walther MoraisPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Fundão de campo, eguada solta, escramussando na invernada
Hillside of the field, loose herd, scrambling in the winter pasture
Estância grande bagual criado a campo fora com a manada
Large ranch, wild horse raised in the field with the herd
Setenta quadra de campo aberto eguada xucra e caborteira
Seventy blocks of open field, wild herd and mare
Criada solta de pelo fino pelos varzedo desta fronteira
Free-range, fine-haired livestock in the meadows of this borderland
Indiada taura, índio ginete, garrão de potro espora atada
Tough folks, indigenous riders, hindquarters of colts with tied spurs
Na primavera corda sovada pra tira as cosca da bagualada
In spring, a lasso used to remove the hides from the wild herd
Buçal torcido, rédea bem larga, bocal sovado pros cornilhudos
Twisted bit, very wide rein, beaten bit for the horned ones
Rabicho forte trançado de oito pra tira cisma destes beiçudos
Strong braided tail of eight to remove stubbornness from these animals
Galpão da estância, fogo bem grande, cambona quente, cuia cevada
Ranch shed, big fire, hot thermos, gourd with mate
Final de tarde, Sol vai entrando, foi mais um dia de campereada
End of the day, the sun is setting, it was another day of ranching