Conterrâneos Lyrics Translation in English
Zé RamalhoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu venho vindo de longe
I come coming from afar
Decisão antiga
Ancient decision
Trazendo nas mãos de espinho
Carrying in hands of thorn
A ferramenta amiga
The friendly tool
Que pesam nos ombros largos
Weighing on broad shoulders
Cidade fadiga
Fatigued city
Pesam nos ombros amargos
Weigh on bitter shoulders
Cidade fadiga
Fatigued city
De uma asa a outra asa
From one wing to another wing
Sou a distância da viga
I am the distance of the beam
De uma asa a outra asa
From one wing to another wing
Entre chegada e partida
Between arrival and departure
Sou tudo que sou, candango
I am everything I am, "candango"
Quando brasília ser ia
When Brasília would be
Do plano piloto, plano
From the pilot plan, a plan
Brasília ainda seria
Brasília would still be
Era sol sobre a poeira
It was sun over the dust
Bandeira erguida
Raised flag
Era livre a suadeira
Sweat was free
Nos intervalos da liga
In the intervals of the league
Chegava ao rancho a comida
Food arrived at the ranch
Certa vez, em bagadá
Once in Bagdad
Véspera da grande folia
Eve of the grand revelry
Trouxeram a boia pro rancho
They brought the food to the ranch
Sentida azeda feria
Felt sourness injured
Tantas fomes
So many hungers
Tantas sedes
So many thirsts
Erguendo pedras, paredes
Raising stones, walls
Fadiga assim
Fatigue like this
Em plena festa, agonia
In the midst of the party, agony
Diante de nós a boia
Before us, the food
Azeda, velha, ruim
Sour, old, bad
É carnaval no paris
It's carnival in Paris
Nas distâncias do sem fim
In the distances of the endless
Povo ilude a alegria
People deceive joy
Entre blocos, serpentinas
Between blocks, streamers
Pandeiro e tamborim
Tambourine and drum
Entre ferros retorsidos
Among twisted irons
Da cidade em construção
Of the city under construction
O frevo de alguns fervidos
The frenzy of some boiled
Gelando no caldeirão
Freezing in the cauldron
Eu vou para esta festa
I go to this party
A minha da construção
Mine of construction
Cruzo os braços e olho fundo
I cross my arms and look deep
No poço do caldeirão
In the well of the cauldron