Cabelo No Pão Careca Lyrics Translation in English

Zeca Pagodinho
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Bolo na padaria, maria pulava igual perereca

Cake at the bakery, Maria jumped like a frog

Pão doces e broas viraram peteca

Sweet bread and cornbread became a shuttlecock

Pegaram o padeiro e quebraram a munheca porque

They grabbed the baker and broke his wrist because

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Sonho virou pesadelo, brigadeiro perdeu a patente

Dream turned into a nightmare, brigadeiro lost its rank

Confeitaram o confeiteiro com a massa de pão para

They decorated the pastry chef with bread dough for


Hot dog

Deixaram o gerente, um tal de clemente, sem uns cinco dentes e

They left the manager, a guy named Clemente, without about five teeth and

Só de cueca

Only in underwear

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

E o pastel que passava quis se inteirar no assunto

And the passing pastry wanted to get involved in the matter

Escorregou na manteiga e tropeçou no presunto

Slipped in butter and stumbled on ham

Saiu com a cara cheia de torrada, iogurte, coalhada

Went out with a face full of toast, yogurt, and yogurt cheese

E ganhou um sapeca

And got a spanking

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

O camburão foi chamado para acabar com o racha

The police wagon was called to end the dispute

O soldado soltou do partamo distribuindo bolacha

The soldier released a burst, distributing crackers

Jogaram farinha de trigo no teco que foi pro boteco

They threw wheat flour on Teco, who went to the pub

Pra comer panqueca

To eat pancakes

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Porque encontraram cabelo no pão careca

Because they found hair in the bald bread

Added by Vanessa Costa
Lisbon, Portugal October 15, 2024
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