Ninguém Me Ama Lyrics Translation in English
Antônio MariaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Ninguém me ama, ninguém me quer
Nobody loves me, nobody wants me
Ninguém me chama de meu amor
Nobody calls me their love
A vida passa, e eu sem ninguém
Life passes by, and I'm alone
E quem me abraça não me quer bem
And whoever embraces me doesn't wish me well
Vim pela noite tão longa de fracasso em fracasso
I came through the night so long, from failure to failure
E hoje descrente de tudo me resta o cansaço
And today, disbelieving in everything, all that remains is weariness
Cansaço da vida, cansaço de mim
Weariness of life, weariness of myself
Velhice chegando e eu chegando ao fim
Old age approaching, and I approaching the end
Added by
Eduardo Oliveira
São Luís, Brazil
October 22, 2024
Maneco Telecoteco
Não Consigo Te Esquecer
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