Me Belisca Lyrics Translation in English
ArlindinhoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Cê tem mó cara de amor da minha vida
You have the look of the love of my life
Tem jeito de quem vai me dar um jeito
Looks like someone who's going to fix me up
Parece que já tava reservada
It seems like you were already reserved
A sua vaga no meu peito
Your spot in my chest is reserved
Por isso não deu certo com ninguém
That's why it didn't work out with anyone
O certo era se acertar
The right thing was to make it right
Me belisca ou divide esse sonho comigo
Pinch me or share this dream with me
Quem não sonha em ser correspondido
Who doesn't dream of being reciprocated
Achei que o amor tivesse me esquecido
I thought love had forgotten me
Agora eu tô olhando cama de casal
Now I'm looking at a double bed
E me imaginando com você
And picturing myself with you
Me pego procurando casa com quintal
I find myself looking for a house with a yard
No bairro que você sonhou viver
In the neighborhood you dreamed of living
Já que tô tocando nesse assunto
Since I'm touching on this subject
Eu adotei um cachorrinho
I adopted a little dog
Que é pra gente cuidar junto
For us to take care of together