Patuscada Lyrics Translation in English
Banda de BocaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Um dia, numa noite enluarada
One day, on a moonlit night
Numa hora improvisada
At an improvised hour
Lá no céu teve uma festa
Up in the sky, there was a party
Juntou a fina flor da bicharada
Gathered the finest of the animal kingdom
E o que foi a patuscada
And what a revelry it was
Até deus já duvidou
Even God began to doubt
Macaco se vestiu de marinheiro
A monkey dressed as a sailor
Gafanhoto era goleiro
A grasshopper as a goalkeeper
Marimbondo sacristão
A wasp as a sexton
Aranha fez a teia na gandaia
A spider spun a web in the revelry
E o veado era cobaia
And the deer was the guinea pig
Jabuti tabelião
A tortoise as the notary
Arara, tinha uma da amazônia
A macaw, one from the Amazon
Na maior sem-cerimônia
Without any ceremony
Mal sabia soletrar
Barely able to spell
Havia tatu-bola dando bola
There was an armadillo playing ball
Cobra d´água na viola
Water snake on the guitar
Só de papo para o ar
Just chatting away
Urubu tirou a dama
Vulture took the lady
Jaburu fazia charme
Stork was charming
Araponga deu alarme
Cuckoo gave the alarm
Foi virando um sururu
It turned into a commotion
Cachorro com coleira de linguiça
Dog with a sausage leash
E a preguiça com preguiça
Sloth with laziness
De parar de descansar
Reluctant to stop resting
Formiga tinha pau da tanajura
Ant had a stick from the termite
Que no jogo de cintura
Who, with agility
Era dona do lugar
Was the owner of the place
Macaco derramado no discurso
Monkey, sprawled in speech
Apoiava o amigo urso
Supported his bear friend
Canditado a senador
Running for senator
Bode jogava jogo duro
Goat played tough
Emprestava só a juro
Only lent at interest
Era franco atirador
Was a sharpshooter
Pica-pau furou a fila
Woodpecker cut in line
Bem-te-vi cantou de galo
Great kiskadee acted like a rooster
Deram um trote no cavalo
They played a prank on the horse
Que caiu que nem jacu
Which fell like a guan
Calango dançou tango com a lacraia
Little lizard danced tango with the centipede
E o marido da jandaia
And the jandaia's husband
Reclamou do gavião
Complained about the hawk
Morcego deu rasante na galinha
Bat made a swoop at the hen
Periquito entrou na rinha
Parakeet entered the fray
Pra tomar satisfação
To seek an explanation
O sapo de chapéu e suspensório
The frog in a hat and suspenders
Tinha vindo de um velório
Had come from a funeral
Na maior animação
In great animation
A zebra, que acertou na loteria,
The zebra, who hit the lottery
Desfilou na freguesia
Paraded in the neighborhood
Com a parte do leão
With the lion's share
Beija-flor de mão beijada
Hand-kissed hummingbird
Jacaré de dedo em riste
Alligator with a pointing finger
Vira bosta no alpiste
Turns into droppings in the birdseed
Tico-tico no fubá
Sparrow in the cornmeal