Ao Pé da Cruz Lyrics Translation in English
Cantor CristãoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Quero estar ao pé da cruz
I want to be at the foot of the cross
De onde rica fonte
From where a rich fountain
Corre franca, salutar
Flows freely, health-giving
Do Calvário monte
From the mount of Calvary
Sim, na cruz, sim, na cruz
Yes, at the cross, yes, at the cross
Sempre me glorio
I always glory
E enfim vou descansar
And finally, I will rest
Salvo, além do rio
Saved, beyond the river
A tremer ao pé da cruz
Trembling at the foot of the cross
Graça eterna achou-me
Eternal grace found me
Matutina Estrela ali
Morning Star there
Raios seus mandou-me
Sent its rays to me
Sempre a cruz, Jesus, meu Deus
Always the cross, Jesus, my God
Queiras recordar-me
May you remember me
Dela à sombra, Salvador
In its shadow, Savior
Queiras abrigar-me
May you shelter me
Junto a cruz, ardendo em fé
By the cross, burning in faith
Sem temor vigio
Without fear, I watch
Pois à terra santa irei
For to the holy land I will go
Salvo, além do rio
Saved, beyond the river