O Homem Belo Lyrics Translation in English
CazuzaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
O homem belo anda na rua
The beautiful man walks on the street
E todo mundo olha
And everyone looks
Homens, mulheres, velhos, crianças
Men, women, old, children
E ele sabe que é belo
And he knows he is beautiful
E tem um quê de maldade no olhar
And has a hint of malice in his gaze
Pode ser médico, advogado, engenheiro
He might be a doctor, lawyer, engineer
Um homem sério, inteligente
A serious, intelligent man
Mas sabe que é belo e seduz de propósito
But he knows he is beautiful and deliberately seduces
Homens e mulheres
Men and women
Geralmente os mais narcisistas
Usually the most narcissistic ones
Casam com mulheres feias
Married to ugly women
Os mais modernos, com gatas e gatos
The more modern ones, with beautiful women and men
Os mais caretas com a mãe
The more conservative ones, with their mothers
Mas o homem belo é mau
But the beautiful man is bad