Indiozinho Lyrics Translation in English
Dó Ré Mi LáPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Um indiozinho olhou, olhou, olhou e nada viu
A little Indian looked, looked, looked and saw nothing
Ele era dono das terras coloridas encantadas as terras do brasil
He was the owner of the enchanted colorful lands, the lands of Brazil
Vivia livre de bem com a natureza
He lived freely in harmony with nature
Coração puro e cheio de beleza
Pure heart and full of beauty
Com os pés descalços e muita simplicidade
With bare feet and much simplicity
Tinha encontrado a real felicidade
Had found real happiness
Um homenzinho lá de longe olhou, olhou, olhou e algo viu
A little man from afar looked, looked, looked and saw something
Um padaço de terra no meio do oceano, as terras do brasil
A piece of land in the middle of the ocean, the lands of Brazil
Vivia buscando um novo lugar,
Lived seeking a new place
Com muita riqueza para explorar
With much wealth to exploit
Com pés nos sapatos e muita ambição
With shoes on his feet and much ambition
Tinha encontrado o que procurava então
Had found what he was looking for then
O indiozinho olhou, olhou e não acreditou
The little Indian looked, looked and couldn't believe
Que gente era aquela, de onde eles vieram
What kind of people were they, where did they come from
De longe se espantou
From afar, he was amazed
Todos correram para avistar
Everyone ran to see
As grandes caravelas que estavam no mar
The great caravels that were in the sea
Houve tumulto e muita confusão
There was turmoil and much confusion
E o indiozinho procurou proteção
And the little Indian sought protection
O homenzinho também se espantou com o que viu
The little man was also amazed at what he saw
Quanta gente era aquela no meio da floresta
How many people were there in the middle of the forest
Eram muito mais de 1000
There were more than a thousand
Seu plano seguiu com determinação
His plan continued with determination
Dominar as terras que encontrou então
To dominate the lands he found then
Mesmo os índios já morando aqui
Even though the Indians already lived here
O homenzinho queria tudo só pra si...
The little man wanted everything just for himself...
O indiozinho correu, correu, correu e se escondeu
The little Indian ran, ran, ran and hid
Queria viver com liberdade aproveitando tudo que tupã lhe deu
Wanted to live freely enjoying everything that Tupã gave him
Conseguiu achar um lugar pra ficar
Managed to find a place to stay
Longe de tudo que viu lá no mar
Away from everything he saw in the sea
E nunca mais foi visto por ninguém
And was never seen by anyone again
Em algum lugar da floresta vive muito bem...
In some place in the forest, he lives very well...