Cordeiro Pascoal Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

O nosso grande Deus com mais puro amor

Our great God with the purest love

Morreu-se por nós com grande compaixão

He died for us with great compassion

Olhando pra terra viu que a humanidade estava

Looking at the earth, he saw that humanity was

Perdida ré da maldição, enviou seu Filho

Lost under the curse, sent his Son

Cordeiro pascoal para derramar seu sangue

Paschal Lamb to shed his blood

Numa cruz, e em oblação pelos nossos pecados

On a cross, and as an offering for our sins

Morreu meu Jesus nos dando salvação

My Jesus died, giving us salvation

Cada gota de sangue, representa luz, em cada

Every drop of blood represents light, in every

Coração e em toda nação salva por Jesus, sangue

Heart and in every nation saved by Jesus, blood

Que nos torna, poderoso e trás, gozo e paz perfeita

That makes us powerful and brings joy and perfect peace

E o seu poder afasta satanás

And his power drives away Satan

Estamos alegres por poder contar sobre a salvação

We are glad to be able to tell about salvation

Que nos trouxe Jesus, podemos sentir aqui neste

That Jesus brought us, we can feel here in this

Lugar os seus raios de luz que ainda podem

Place his rays of light that still can

Salvar, os seus raios de luz que manam lá da

Save, his rays of light that flow from the

Cruz batem nas paredes de teu coração, abre hoje

Cross hit the walls of your heart, open today

Mesmo a porta de tua vida e deixa penetrar a luz

Even the door of your life and let the light penetrate

Da salvação

Of salvation

Cada gota de sangue, regozijou na cruz, representa

Every drop of blood, rejoiced on the cross, represents

Vidas representa vidas salvas por Jesus, cada gota

Lives represent lives saved by Jesus, every drop

De lágrima do rosto do Senhor, para nossas almas

Of tear from the Lord's face, for our souls

Representa a frase de mais puro amor

Represents the phrase of the purest love

Added by Andréia Oliveira
Beira, Mozambique February 2, 2025
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