Malandro Demais Vira Bicho Lyrics Translation in English
Febre90'sPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Quebra esse balão, sobe fumaça da esquina
Break this balloon, smoke rises from the corner
Marolando com os cria, de olho nas menininha
Hanging out with the guys, keeping an eye on the little girls
Na onda da forte, nem sente passando o dia
In the strong wave, doesn't even feel the day passing
Já deu quase meio-dia, chutou o balde pra escola
It's almost noon, kicked the bucket for school
Cheio de ko com a familia, mas queridão pelas tias
Full of trouble with the family, but beloved by the aunts
Cursando 157 das farmácia da avenida
Studying pharmacy 157 on the avenue
Diploma chegou quando estourou a loteria
Diploma arrived when the lottery hit
Ganhou moral com os coroa cria que é mais relíquia
Gained respect with the old folks, a creation that is more like a relic
Subindo os degrau da hierarquia
Climbing the steps of hierarchy
Garrando umas carguinha, rajando pra caralho os precinho na barraquinha
Picking up some small jobs, slashing the prices at the little stall
Hoje só cai pra pista quando brota a meta linda
Today only hits the track when the beautiful goal emerges
Patrão quer andar de captiva
The boss wants to ride in a Captiva
Não quer mais saber de outra vida
Doesn't want to know about another life
Maconha da braba, joga a. 40 na cinta
Strong marijuana, puts the .40 in the belt
Sentindo o gostinho e os prazeres da boa vida
Feeling the taste and pleasures of the good life
Levando tua filha pra praia ou um domingão na quinta
Taking your daughter to the beach or a Sunday on Thursday
Hoje ta na faro das menina, levadão tacou Paco Rabanne na camisa
Today is in the vibe of the girls, proudly wearing Paco Rabanne on the shirt
Com pentão de 30 explanando que ta na vida
With a 30-caliber pistol explaining that he's in the life
Nos fininho de ouro carrega o nome da filha
In the thin gold carries the name of his daughter
É o amor que te move a explodir a barca da polícia
It's love that moves you to blow up the police boat
(É o enguiça porra)
(It's the jinx, damn)
Tropa do enguiça, meno se amarra no troca aplica
Jinx's troop, the guy digs the exchange applies
Brecha na reta ele larga 30, ouve o canto das calica
Gap in the straight, he drops 30, listens to the song of the sirens
O homem se amarra na sinfonia, apaixonado pela vida bandida
The man loves the symphony, in love with the bandit life
Assunto de criança eu deixo pra esses menino
Child's talk, I leave it to these kids
Bagulho de contar grama parceiro eu quero os kg
Thing of counting grass, partner, I want the kilograms
Na hora do ko, se joga e rola no chão
At the knockout time, throw yourself and roll on the ground
Suja a blusa nova da Armani enguiçando o caveirão
Dirtying the new Armani shirt, stalling the skull wagon
Soldado apertando firme, agachadinho atrás do poste
Soldier squeezing tight, crouching behind the post
Bota a cara na principal o ak do BG Sacode
Puts his face in the main street, BG's AK shakes
Novin vive!
Young one lives!