
Ivor Lancellotti
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Eu me perdi tentando te encontrar

I got lost trying to find you

Na liberdade te amarrei

In freedom, I tied you up

Te dividi na ânsia de somar

I divided you in the eagerness to add

Pra te ver sorrir, chorei

To see you smile, I cried

Pra conquistar a paz guerreei

To conquer peace, I waged war

Com armas da ilusão

With weapons of illusion

E pra te castigar perdoei

And to punish you, I forgave

Botei o pé no chão

I put my foot down

Levei o andor

I carried the burden

Nem assim rolou

Even so, it didn't work

Te amei mais do que a Deus e pequei

I loved you more than God, and I sinned

O céu me condenou

The sky condemned me

Eu fui te iluminar e me apaguei

I tried to enlighten you and faded

Beijei a mão da dor

I kissed the hand of pain

Você vazou, foi um favor

You leaked away, it was a favor

Added by Marta Oliveira
Luanda, Angola May 8, 2024
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