Aluado Lyrics Translation in English

Jari Terres
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Domei um baio cebruno

I tamed a light bay

Pra “pecha” um temporal

To challenge a storm

De caráter duvidoso

Of dubious character

Mescla de açúcar com sal

A blend of sugar and salt

Com vinte e um dias de rédea

With twenty-one days of rein

Já “escumava” no bocal

Already foaming at the bit

Volta e meia ele sacode

Every now and then, he shakes

Meu paysandu oriental

My Uruguayan "Paysandu"

Parece diabo se inventa

He seems like the devil if he decides

Se “arrastá” meio por farra

To crawl, just for fun

Outrora me largou manco

Once he left me limping

Vendendo tudo minhas garras

Selling everything, my claws

Mostra a pimenta dos “zoio”

Shows the pepper of the eyes

Enruga o lombo e dispara

Wrinkles his back and takes off

E esquece o mundo berrando

Forgetting the world, bellowing

Manoteando a própria cara.

Flailing his own face

Por isso chamo aluado

That's why I call him "aluado"

Alma de fraco ou de forte

Soul of the weak or the strong

É tigre fora da jaula

A tiger outside the cage

Toreando a vida com a morte

Bullfighting life with death

Coiceia a sombra do cusco

Kicks the shadow of the dog

Se o relho canta sua sorte

If the whip sings his fate

E muda junto com a lua

And changes along with the moon

Nos dias de vento norte

In the days of the north wind

De vez em quando é um cachorro

Once in a while, he's a dog

Do andar das minhas crianças

With the gait of my children

Larga num trote pro campo

He trots to the field

Sereno até na sua estampa

Serene even in his figure

Se assusta com as carqueja

Startled by the carqueja

Que com o vento balança

That sways in the wind

E tenteia a bóia do dia

And gropes for the day's food

No cocho da vaca mansa

In the trough of the tame cow

Quem olha o baio cebruno

Anyone who sees the light bay

Cortando várzea no meio

Cutting through the meadow

Pisando o pasto nativo

Stepping on the native pasture

Com as quatro patas de esteio

With four supporting legs

Por certo chama a atenção

Certainly draws attention

Meu pingo jogando o freio

My horse throwing the reins

Que domei nessa fronteira

That I tamed on this border

Pra ser querência do arreio.

To be the love of the saddle

Por isso chamo aluado

That's why I call him "aluado"

Alma de fraco ou de forte

Soul of the weak or the strong

É tigre fora da jaula

A tiger outside the cage

Toreando a vida com a morte

Bullfighting life with death

Coiceia a sombra do cusco

Kicks the shadow of the dog

Se o relho canta sua sorte

If the whip sings his fate

E muda junto com a lua

And changes along with the moon

Nos dias de vento norte

In the days of the north wind

Added by Gabriel Silva
Maputo, Mozambique July 2, 2024
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