Vai Valer a Pena

Juliano Son
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Não compreendo os Teus caminhos

I don't understand Your ways

Mas Te darei a minha canção

But I'll give You my song

Doces palavras Te darei

Sweet words I'll give to You

Me sustentas em minha dor

You sustain me in my pain

E isso me leva mais perto de Ti

And that brings me closer to You

Mais perto dos Teus caminhos

Closer to Your ways

E ao redor de cada esquina

And around every corner

Em cima de cada montanha

On top of every mountain

Eu não procuro por coroas

I don't seek for crowns

Ou pelas águas das fontes

Or for the waters of the fountains

Desesperado eu Te busco

Desperately I seek You

Frenético acredito

Frenetically I believe

Que a visão da Tua face é tudo que eu preciso

That the vision of Your face is all I need

E eu Te direi

And I will tell You

Que vai valer a pena

That it will be worth it

Vai valer a pena

It will be worth it

Vai valer a pena mesmo

It will be worth it indeed

Sim, vai valer a pena

Yes, it will be worth it

Vai valer a pena

It will be worth it

Vai valer a pena mesmo

It will be worth it indeed

Eu sei que vai, eu sei que vai

I know it will, I know it will

E o grande dia haverá de chegar

And the great day will come

Quando eu e você, eu e você, nos encontraremos com Ele

When I and You, I and You, will meet with Him

Naquele dia

On that day

Eu e você, eu e você, cantaremos em uma só voz

I and You, I and You, will sing in one voice

A Ele, a Ele, a Ele

To Him, to Him, to Him

Senhor valeu a pena

Lord, it was worth it

Senhor valeu a pena

Lord, it was worth it

Senhor valeu a pena mesmo

Lord, it was worth it indeed

Quando o grande dia chegar

When the great day comes

Quando o grande dia chegar

When the great day comes

Quando o grande dia chegar

When the great day comes

Eu cantarei, eu cantarei, eu cantarei

I will sing, I will sing, I will sing

Jesus, sim, sim, sim

Jesus, yes, yes, yes

Sim, sim, sim Jesus

Yes, yes, yes, Jesus

Valeu, valeu, valeu, valeu, valeu, valeu, valeu

It was worth it, it was worth it, it was worth it, it was worth it, it was worth it, it was worth it, it was worth it

Viver pra ti, morrer pra ti

Living for You, dying for You

Added by Pedro Santos
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil April 5, 2024
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