A Marchinha Psicótica De Dr. Soup Lyrics Translation in English
Júpiter MaçãPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Antes de nada eu gostaria de explicar
Before anything, I would like to explain
Segue agora um mosaico de imagens mil
Now follows a mosaic of a thousand images
Chamado a marchinha psicótica de dr. Soup
Called the psychotic march of Dr. Soup
A noiva do arlequim e o malabarista
The harlequin's bride and the juggler
Chegaram junto com a fada e o inspetor nazista
Arrived along with the fairy and the Nazi inspector
Chacretes e coristas em teatro de revista
Chacretes and chorus girls in the revue theater
Bem-vindos a orgia niilista, ai que gostoso
Welcome to the nihilistic orgy, oh how delightful
Que delícia, muito mais paulista
How delicious, much more São Paulo-like
Anunciados o homem-bala e a mulher canhão
Announced the human cannonball and the woman cannon
A musa do Pinóquio era bolchevista
The muse of Pinocchio was a Bolshevik
A mais formosa melindrosa pega na Suíça
The most charming flapper picked in Switzerland
Suíça pra ela era pega-rapaz
Switzerland for her was a boy-catching place
E pra provar, minha querida
And to prove, my dear
O meu amor tão radical
My love so radical
Eu escrevi essa marchinha
I wrote this little march
Para tocar no carnaval
To play at the carnival
O milênio passaria e a marchinha seguiria
The millennium would pass, and the march would continue
Sendo cult underground
Being a cult underground
Mas até 2020 seria revisitada
But until 2020, it would be revisited
E virar hit nacional
And become a national hit
O timbre do Caetano é super bacana
Caetano's tone is super cool
Não pense que eu estou copiando, que eu sou banana
Don't think I'm copying, that I'm a banana
Peguei emprestado pras artes da semana
I borrowed it for the arts of the week
Abrindo as portas da percepção
Opening the doors of perception
Um tal de Aldous Huxley de cara, ficou doidão
A certain Aldous Huxley, right away, went crazy
Tomando toda a solução
Taking all the solution
Doidão é apelido para a paranóia
Crazy is an understatement for paranoia
Toda jibóia, toda bóia, toda clarabóia
Every snake, every buoy, every skylight
Querida, que tal baixar o televisor?
Darling, how about turning off the television?
Deitado no divã com Woody Allen
Lying on the couch with Woody Allen
Eu tive um sonho com aquele estranho velho alien
I had a dream with that strange old alien
Que era cabeça Bob Dylan, barba Ginsberg Allen
Who had the head of Bob Dylan, the beard of Ginsberg Allen
E pra provar, minha querida
And to prove, my dear
O meu amor tão radical
My love so radical
Eu escrevi essa marchinha
I wrote this little march
Para tocar no carnaval
To play at the carnival
O milênio passaria e a marchinha seguiria
The millennium would pass, and the march would continue
Sendo cult underground
Being a cult underground
Mas após 2020 seria revisitada
But after 2020, it would be revisited
E virar hit nacional
And become a national hit