Sanfona Sentida Lyrics Translation in English
Marcelo RossiterPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Vem amor, vem cantar
Come, my love, come and sing
Pois meus olhos
For my eyes
Ficam querendo chorar
Keep wanting to cry
Deixe a mágoa pra depois
Leave the sorrow for later
O amor é mais importante a dois
Love is more important for two
Chora sanfona sentida
Cry, heartfelt accordion
Em meu peito gemendo
In my chest moaning
Vai machucando
It keeps hurting
E o meu peito de amor vai morrendo
And my chest of love is dying
Quanto mais chora
The more it cries
Me entrego todinho ao amor
I surrender completely to love
E teu gemido disfarça
And your moan disguises
Em m'alma essa dor
In my soul, this pain
Added by
Tiago Rodrigues
Lisbon, Portugal
December 7, 2024
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