Descerá sobre ti Lyrics Translation in English

Marcos Góes
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Descerá sobre ti Espírito Santo

The Holy Spirit will come upon you

E o poder do Altíssimo te envolverá.

And the power of the Most High will overshadow you.

Tua alma viverá

Your soul will live

Teu espírito renovará

Your spirit will be renewed

E no teu corpo tudo novo se fará.

And in your body, everything will be made new.

E chorarás e saltarás de alegria.

And you will weep and leap for joy.

Vem Espírito Santo, me guiar

Come, Holy Spirit, guide me

Vem Espírito Santo, restaurar

Come, Holy Spirit, restore

Vem Espírito Santo, visitar.

Come, Holy Spirit, visit.

Vento do Espírito

Wind of the Spirit

Vento do Espírito

Wind of the Spirit

Sopra neste lugar

Blow in this place

E enche os nossos corações.

And fill our hearts.

Added by Aline Santos
São Luís, Brazil December 6, 2024
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