Eu Quero Faturar Mais Lyrics Translation in English
Mc VérokiPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Depois do corre vou logo passar a visão
After the hustle, I'll quickly share the vision
Que foi papo de milhão e se pá eu faturei
It was talk of a million, and maybe I made a profit
Juntei o lucro do banco e dos clonados
I combined the profit from the bank and the cloned ones
Da biqueira e do senado e na classe alta entrei
From the street and the senate, and entered the upper class
Me superei e convidei minhas amigas,
I surpassed myself and invited my friends,
E os parceiros de rotina e na festinha eu dei o play
And the routine partners, and at the party, I hit play
E o harém já ta formado é só piranha que bebe, bafora e dança
And the harem is already formed, it's only girls who drink, puff, and dance
E no quarto dá pra três
And in the room, it's for three
E eu tranquila só fico observando
And I stay calm, just observing
O que os cafajeste faz
What the scoundrels do
Enquanto eles se divertem eu quero faturar mais.
While they have fun, I want to make more money.