Pastorinhas Lyrics Translation in English
Noel RosaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
A estrela d'alva
The morning star
No céu desponta
Emerges in the sky
E a lua anda tonta
And the moon wanders dizzy
Com tamanho esplendor
With such splendor
E as pastorinhas
And the shepherdesses
Pra consolo da lua
To console the moon
Vão cantando na rua
Go singing in the street
Lindos versos de amor
Beautiful verses of love
Linda pastora
Beautiful shepherdess
Morena da cor de madalena
Brown like Magdalene
Tu não tens pena
You have no pity
De mim que vivo tonto com o teu olhar
For me who lives dizzy with your gaze
Linda criança
Beautiful child
Tu não me sais da lembrança
You do not leave my thoughts
Meu coração não se cansa
My heart does not tire
De sempre, sempre te amar
Of always, always loving you
Added by
Carla Sousa
São Paulo, Brazil
January 29, 2025
Vamo Pulá!
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