Dia de Sol Lyrics Translation in English
Zé Marco e AdrianoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu andei sem destino, perdi a razão
I walked without direction, lost my reason
Na estrada da vida eu fui na contramão
In the road of life, I went against the flow
Mergulhei de cabeça num abismo sem fim
I plunged headfirst into an endless abyss
Loucura e tristeza eram partes de mim
Madness and sadness were parts of me
No terrível espinho do pecado eu pisei
In the terrible thorn of sin, I stepped
A ponte entre a vida e a morte eu cruzei
The bridge between life and death, I crossed
Do outro lado eu vi meus pedaços no chão
On the other side, I saw my pieces on the ground
Minha alma vagava na escuridão
My soul wandered in the darkness
Das garras da morte o senhor me arrancou
From the claws of death, the Lord pulled me out
Me mostrou a verdade que eu nunca quis ver
Showed me the truth that I never wanted to see
Acordei de um pesadelo e voltei a viver
I woke up from a nightmare and started living again
Eu hoje estou bem, mas já estive mal
Today I am well, but I've been through tough times
Sou dia de sol, mas já fui temporal
I'm a sunny day, but I've been a storm
Fui barco à deriva, fui noite sem lua, verão sem calor
I was a drifting boat, a night without a moon, summer without warmth
Hoje eu sou verdade, mas já fui engano
Today I am truth, but I've been deception
Já fui fonte seca, hoje sou oceano
I was a dry fountain, today I am an ocean
A alma ferida, coração quebrado, Jesus consertou
The wounded soul, the broken heart, Jesus repaired