Nego Véio Quando Morre Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Quando eu morrer quero ir de fralda de camisa

When I die, I want to go in a diaper and a shirt

Quando eu morrer quero ir de fralda de camisa

When I die, I want to go in a diaper and a shirt

Defunto pobre de luxo não precisa

Poor deceased, no need for luxury

Defunto pobre de luxo não precisa

Poor deceased, no need for luxury

Cinquenta velhas desdentadas e carecas

Fifty old toothless and bald women

Cinquenta velhas desdentadas e carecas

Fifty old toothless and bald women

Hão de ir à frente tocando rabeca

Will go ahead playing the fiddle

Hão de ir à frente tocando rabeca

Will go ahead playing the fiddle

E um velho bem barrigudo

And a very belly-proud old man

E um velho bem barrigudo

And a very belly-proud old man

Ir lá na frente tocando no canudo

Will go up front playing the straw

Ir lá na frente tocando no canudo

Will go up front playing the straw

Quatro velhas que forem de balão

Four old women, if they're in a balloon

Quatro velhas que forem de balão

Four old women, if they're in a balloon

Irão segurando nas argolas do caixão

Will be holding onto the coffin's rings

Irão segurando nas argolas do caixão

Will be holding onto the coffin's rings

Added by Carla Silva
Faro, Portugal February 24, 2025
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