Caminhando No Deserto Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Em meio ao mundo encoberto pelas tentações

In the midst of a world covered by temptations

Negativei meus sentidos fortalecendo em orações

I denied my senses, strengthening myself in prayers

Passando prova atrás de prova resisti

Passing test after test, I resisted

Chorei, me abalei algumas vezes desisti

I cried, I was shaken, sometimes I gave up

Chorei por vários testes vitórias, fracassos

I cried for various tests, victories, failures

Varias bombas explodiram e só vi os estilhaços

Several bombs exploded, and I only saw the shards

Até me achar bateu desanimo e cansaço

Until I found myself, discouragement and fatigue struck

Demorei até saber o valor de um abraço

It took me a while to understand the value of a hug

Me recusei a enxergar o caminho da felicidade

I refused to see the path to happiness

Eu sempre me considerei o dono da verdade

I always considered myself the owner of the truth

Não era bem assim, eu vi minha carne me consumir

It wasn't like that; I saw my flesh consuming me

Espirito santo me alertando e eu não pude ouvir

Holy Spirit warning me, and I couldn't hear

Entorpecido pela certeza de que estava certo

Numbed by the certainty that I was right

Tombei e levantei muito mais maquiavélico

I fell and rose much more Machiavellian

Cada luta me deixava mais confiante na certeza

Every struggle made me more confident in certainty

Engatilhava minha mente só pra poder cantar tristeza

I triggered my mind just to be able to sing sadness

Cada ferida que tive se transformou em cicatriz

Every wound I had turned into a scar

Nada apagava o tempo as marcas me impediam de ser feliz

Nothing erased time; the marks prevented me from being happy

Quando fui restaurado eu nem acreditei

When I was restored, I couldn't believe it

Deus me renovou e me provou que ele é rei

God renewed me and proved that he is king

Caminhando em solo árido esquecido por todos

Walking on arid ground forgotten by all

Em meio a poeira já me considerava morto

In the midst of dust, I already considered myself dead

Encontrei água aonde jamais existiria

I found water where it would never exist

O oásis no deserto onde nunca encontraria

The oasis in the desert where I would never find

Sozinho a procura de ajuda era só eu

Alone seeking help, it was just me

Somente areia em todo lado estava no apogeu

Only sand everywhere; I was at the peak

Da derrota?? Nem pensar era a hora de reagir

Defeat? Not even thinking; it was time to react

Encontrei vida em meio a morte e vi que Deus tava ali

I found life amidst death and saw that God was there

Eu tinha fome e ele me deu o que comer

I was hungry, and he gave me something to eat

Eu tinha sede e ele me deu o que beber

I was thirsty, and he gave me something to drink

Eu tinha medo e ele me deu a coragem

I was afraid, and he gave me courage

Me sentia solitário e ele me mostrou a verdade

I felt lonely, and he showed me the truth

Quando estamos no deserto só pensamos no pior

When we are in the desert, we only think of the worst

Esquecemos de confiar que o senhor tem o melhor

We forget to trust that the Lord has the best

Caminhei e muitas vezes ainda vem as tentações

I walked, and often temptations still come

Sou fraco e pecador e vou vencer as provações

I am weak and a sinner, and I will overcome the trials

Orar é necessário, tribulações vem todo dia

Praying is necessary; tribulations come every day

Acredite que após a tempestade vem a calmaria

Believe that after the storm comes calm

Nenhuma voz se levanta contra Deus sem consequência

No voice rises against God without consequence

Nenhuma voz se levanta a favor sem recompensa

No voice rises in favor without reward

Ele é justo seu jugo e seu fardo é leve

He is just; his yoke and burden are light

Vigiai e orai o fim dos tempos eh breve

Watch and pray; the end of times is near

Num mundo corrompido o que você prefere?

In a corrupted world, what do you prefer?

Andar com Deus no deserto ou compania falsa de quem te fere?

Walking with God in the desert or false company that hurts you?

Added by Sofia Costa
Luanda, Angola March 17, 2025
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