Take Ten Lyrics Translation in English
Black AlienPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Deus habita no silêncio
God dwells in silence
Que as vozes na minha cabeça
The voices in my head
Quebram sem o menor senso
Break without the slightest sense
Quem tem boca fala o que quer
Whoever has a mouth speaks what they want
Eles tem arma e tem droga
They have weapons and drugs
Quem tem boca fala o que quer
Whoever has a mouth speaks what they want
Corta um sample da guitarra de Jimi
Cut a sample from Jimi's guitar
Grava um clipe, canta um rap cheio de marra no filme
Record a video, sing a rap full of attitude in the movie
Mar de nego perdido procurando Nemo
Sea of lost black people looking for Nemo
Sem rumo, sem remo, no nado mermo
Directionless, without a paddle, in the same swim
Oh, can you feel me?!
Oh, can you feel me?!
Frita na cocaine, se envolve no crime
Fry in cocaine, get involved in crime
Fritando em Coltrane ouvindo A Love Supreme
Frying in Coltrane, listening to A Love Supreme
O médico e o monstro, Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde
The doctor and the monster, Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde
A babilon de frontside, just gimme
The Babylon of the frontside, just gimme
Morador, total de morador, onde o povo passa
Inhabitant, total inhabitant, where people pass by
Mal a babilônia comemora a dor
As Babylon celebrates the pain
Eles nos devem a alma, foda-se o karma
They owe us the soul, fuck karma
Se eu começo a quebrar, quem é que vai pedir calma?
If I start to break, who will ask for calm?
Pé na porta que racha do teto ao solo
Foot in the door that cracks from ceiling to floor
Mas nada disso importa com meus netos no colo
But none of this matters with my grandchildren in my arms
Essa aqui é a pílula vermelha
This here is the red pill
Se não aguenta, se adianta
If you can't handle it, move forward
Alérgico não mexe com as abelhas
Allergic, don't mess with the bees
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Hoje cedo no Muay Thai de manhã
Early this morning in Muay Thai
Outros tempos, só Deus sabe onde ia tá de manhã
Other times, only God knows where I'd be in the morning
O cara vai ter pra adiantar de manhã
The guy will have to get ahead in the morning
Praticava o caratê de rá-tá-tá de manhã
Practiced karate with rá-tá-tá in the morning
Meu fígado não concordou com meu estilo de vida
My liver didn't agree with my lifestyle
Meu cérebro acordou, tirou meu bloco da avenida
My brain woke up, took my block from the avenue
1993 primeiro rapper da cidade
1993, the city's first rapper
2019 poucos rappers dessa idade
2019, few rappers of this age
Quatro ponto meia, pente cheio, pé na areia
Four and a half, full comb, foot in the sand
Saco cheio de cretino que cuida da vida alheia
Fed up with cretin who takes care of other people's lives
Eles metem o nariz, botar a cara, eu duvido
They stick their nose, put their face, I doubt it
Um bando de juiz que julga com telhas de vidro
A bunch of judges who judge with glass tiles
Tempo ruim eu tô quebrando, mergulhando em águas rasas
Bad weather, I'm breaking, diving in shallow waters
Tempo bom eu tô quebrando a banca, enchendo várias casas
Good weather, I'm breaking the bank, filling several houses
Quem me viu, mentiu, país das fake news
Who saw me, lied, country of fake news
Entre milhões de views e milhões de ninguém viu
Among millions of views and millions of no one saw
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Black Take Ten, don’t pass
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz
Mister Brubeck Take Five Inna Di Jazz