Jeová Lyrics Translation in English

Ronaldo Bezerra
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Jeová Jireh, Jeová Nissi, Jeová Shalom

Jeovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom

Jeová Rafa, Ele me curou

Jehovah Rapha, He healed me

Poderoso El Shadai

Mighty El Shaddai

Pois Tu és o Deus nosso provedor

For You are our provider God

E também a nossa bandeira

And also our banner

Só em Ti Senhor encontramos a paz

Only in You, Lord, do we find peace

Poderoso és Tu Senhor

You are mighty, Lord

Nos dá forças para a batalha

Give us strength for the battle

É o Deus que sustenta e guarda

He's the God who sustains and protects

Por isso a Ele rendemos todo louvor

That's why to Him we give all praise

Por isso a Ele rendemos todo louvor

That's why to Him we give all praise

Jeová! (4x)

Jehovah! (4x)



Autor, Consumador, General de guerra, Deus provedor

Author, Finisher, General of war, Provider God

Jeová Nissi, Deus da planície, do vento, do fogo, da água

Jehovah Nissi, God of the plain, of the wind, of the fire, of the water

Salve ó Pai "O Grande Aba"

Hail oh Father "The Great Abba"

És minha bandeira, És minha pátria

You are my banner, You are my homeland

A lâmina da minha espada

The blade of my sword

Adonai, Louvai, o Poderoso El Shadai

Adonai, Praise, the Mighty El Shaddai

Added by Sofia Costa
Luanda, Angola February 24, 2025
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