O Velho e o Mar Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation



When you awake inside

When you awake inside

When you awake inside

When you awake inside

When you awake inside

When you awake inside

Lança o barco contra o mar

Launch the boat against the sea

Venha o vento que houver

Let come whatever wind there is

E se virar, nada

And if it turns, swim

Pega a mala que couber

Take the suitcase that fits

Vira a estrada sem saber

Turn the road without knowing

E se perder, calma

And if you get lost, stay calm

Beija a boca da mulher

Kiss the woman's mouth

Tira a roupa sem pedir

Take off the clothes without asking

E se sorrir, fica

And if she smiles, stay

Bebe o copo que encher

Drink the glass until it's full

Diz pro amigo que é irmão

Tell your friend that he's a brother

O que nem tem palavras

What doesn't even need words

Lança o barco contra o mar

Launch the boat against the sea

Venha o vento que houver

Let come whatever wind there is

E se puder, voa

And if you can, fly

Added by Carla Sousa
São Paulo, Brazil June 16, 2024
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