Triste Despedida Lyrics Translation in English
Tonico e TinocoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu vivo triste calado
I live sad and silent
Nem viola não toco mais
I no longer play the guitar
Larguei de puxá boiada
I gave up herding cattle
Há muito tempo pá trais
Long ago, far behind
Ai nóis era dois irmão
We were two brothers
Nossos destinos iguais
Our destinies the same
Nacemo prá boiadero
We were born to be cattle herders
Herança do véio pai
An inheritance from our old man
Idade de quinze ano
At the age of fifteen
Eu já era capatais
I was already a foreman
Nóis vinha com uma boiada
We came with a herd
Nas campinas de Goiás
In the fields of Goiás
Quinhentos boi pantanero
Five hundred marsh cattle
Mil e quinhento marruais
And fifteen hundred marruá cattle
Puxado de Mato Grosso
Pulled from Mato Grosso
Destino Minas Gerais
Destined for Minas Gerais
A boiada estorou
The herd broke loose
Querendo vortá pa trais
Trying to go back
Meu irmão pulou na frente
My brother jumped in front
Gritando cos marruais
Screaming with the marruá cattle
Mataro ele e cavalo
They killed him and his horse
No meio do carrascais
In the midst of the thicket
Já repiquei meu berrante
I've already played my horn
E dando os tristes sinais
And giving the sad signals
Os cumpanhero chegaro
The comrades arrived
Rodaro dos animais
Surrounded by the animals
Eu chamei ele pro nome
I called him by name
Já não me respondeu mais
He no longer answered me
Com o ramo da macega
With the branch of the grass
Cubrimo os restos mortais
We covered the mortal remains
E fizemo seu interro
And we made his grave
Na sombra dos pinheirais
In the shade of the pine trees
Prantemo uma cruis de cedro
We planted a cedar cross
Com inscrição naturais
With natural inscriptions
Aqui dorme um boiadero
Here sleeps a cattle herder
No meio dos matagais
In the midst of the thickets
Saimo com a boiada
We left with the herd
Entre soluços e ais
Amidst sobs and sighs
Dando a triste despedida
Giving the sad farewell
Um adeus para nunca mais
A goodbye never to return