Sonhos Lyrics Translation in English

Adelia Soares
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Nao desista de acreditar

Do not give up believing

As promessas do Senhor se cumprira

The Lord's promises will be fulfilled

Asim como Ele foi com Abraao

Just as He was with Abraham

Com isaque, com jaco e com sansao

With Isaac, with Jacob, and with Samson

Contigo tambem sera

With you, it will also be

Nao desista de sonhar

Do not give up on dreaming

O teu sonho Deus vai realizar

God will make your dream come true

Assim como Ele foi com Jose

Just as He was with Joseph

Com elias, elizeu e com noe

With Elijah, Elisha, and with Noah

Contigo tambem sera

With you, it will also be

Fique firme nas promessas

Stay firm in the promises

Meu irmao espera

My brother, wait

Deixa Deus agir

Let God act

Ele sabe como faz

He knows how to do it

So Ele e capaz e ninguem mais

Only He is capable and no one else

E ninguem mais

And no one else

Ele fez o prisioneiro

He made the prisoner

Ser governador

Into a governor

O azeite da viuva

The widow's oil

Eler multiplicou

He multiplied

Mandou agua, mandou pao

Sent water, sent bread

E o profeta alimentou

And fed the prophet

Ele fez, Ele faz como quer

He does as He wishes, He does

E quando Ele quer fazer

And when He wants to do

Sai da frente o inimigo

The enemy moves aside

Porque Deus e poder

Because God is power

Nao desista de lutar

Do not give up fighting

Acredite no teu sonho

Believe in your dream

Deus vai realizr

God will make it happen

Added by Andréia Oliveira
Beira, Mozambique August 17, 2024
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