Mãe Iemanjá Lyrics Translation in English

Almir Guineto
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Fiz pra mãe iemanjá

Made for Mother Yemanjá

Nas águas do mar, oferendas

In the waters of the sea, offerings

Flores para exalar

Flowers to exhale

Perfume no ar, lindas prendas

Perfume in the air, beautiful gifts

Ela se mostrou tão orgulhosa

She showed herself so proud

Tão feliz, prometeu me ajudar

So happy, promised to help me

Lembro que me deu sua palavra

I remember she gave me her word

De afogar as minhas magoas no seu mar

To drown my sorrows in her sea

Ao ouvir o seu divino canto

Upon hearing her divine song

Percebi do que ela falava

I understood what she was saying

Disse que o divino espírito santo,

She said that the divine Holy Spirit,

Que me deu todos os encantos,

Who gave me all the charms,

Dessas águas, amor com amor se paga

From these waters, love is repaid with love

Dona do mar eu sou

I am the owner of the sea

Pronta pra desafio

Ready for challenges

Quem me desperta amor

Who awakens love

Eu não deixo a ver navios

I don't let the ships out of sight

Added by Tiago Rodrigues
Lisbon, Portugal February 7, 2025
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