Santa Cruz

Banda Arkanjos
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Todos os pecados

All the sins

Meus e o teus foram cravados no madeiro

Mine and yours were nailed to the wood

Pois Jesus com seu sangue nos lavou

For Jesus, with His blood, washed us

Ele se fez cordeiro

He became a lamb

E recebeu as dores que nos foram impostas

And bore the pains imposed on us

E na cruz com amor nos libertou

And on the cross with love, He set us free

Ele desceu de sua realeza para Se fazer sacrifício por nós

He descended from His royalty to sacrifice Himself for us

Se aniquilou e Se entregou

He humbled Himself and surrendered

E como ovelha muda ao matadouro

And like a silent lamb to the slaughter

Não murmurou, não reclamou por nada

He did not grumble, did not complain about anything

E decidido pelas nossas vidas

And determined for our lives

Obediente foi até a morte de cruz

He obediently went to the death of the cross

Oh Santa Cruz, bendita Cruz

Oh Holy Cross, blessed Cross

Bendita seja a cruz o amor por ela se revelou

Blessed be the cross, love was revealed through it

Nós somos a Igreja da Cruz

We are the Church of the Cross

Por isso a exaltamos, Senhor

Therefore, we exalt it, Lord

Não existe mais barreira entre nós

There is no longer a barrier between us

Por ela o véu do templo rasgou

Through it, the veil of the temple was torn

O céu está aberto pra nós

The heavens are open to us

O que era pecado agora é graça sem fim

What was sin is now endless grace

Added by Beatriz Fernandes
Recife, Brazil July 17, 2024
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