Narainã, a Alvorada Dos Pássaros Lyrics Translation in English
Fabiana CozzaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Era de manhã
It was morning
Narainã ali chegou
Narainã arrived there
No reino encantado
In the enchanted kingdom
Oh sinfonia a patativa
Oh, symphony of the patativa
Que cantou
That sang
A india tão bonita
The beautiful Indian
Prometida ao pajé
Promised to the shaman
Amava outro moço, com calor e muita fé
She loved another young man, with warmth and great faith
Iara mãe d'água
Iara, mother of the waters
No pé do ipê
At the foot of the ipê tree
Quem faz a morada
Who builds the dwelling
É o saci pererê
Is the saci pererê
Mulher te viro bicho
Woman turned into an animal
No feitiço
In the spell
Pajé falou
The shaman spoke
Calou a sua voz
Silenced his voice
Ela em ave transformou
She transformed into a bird
Moço valente chorava
Brave young man cried
Até a lua prateada
Even the silvery moon
Das lágrimas de um curandeiro
From the tears of a healer
Virou alado o guerreiro
The warrior turned winged
E voou
And flew