Quero te Obedecer Lyrics Translation in English
Fernandinho para MenoresPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Nova criatura sou
I am a new creature
Teu sangue me lavou
Your blood washed me
Tenho vestes de louvor
I have garments of praise
Minha vida restaurou
You restored my life
Me tira do vale se ossos secos
Take me out of the valley of dry bones
Me leva a pastos verdejantes
Lead me to green pastures
Eu quero te obedecer
I want to obey you
Te obedecer
To obey you
Teus mandamentos
Your commandments
São mais doces do que o mel
Are sweeter than honey
Eu quero te obedecer
I want to obey you
Te obedecer
To obey you
Tua palavra
Your word
Me leva à tua vontade
Leads me to your will
Added by
Raquel Fernandes
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
January 23, 2025
Recebe Minha Adoração
Te Amo Baby
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