Cristo Virá Lyrics Translation in English

Harpa Cristã
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Talvez Cristo venha ao romper da aurora

Perhaps Christ will come at the break of dawn

Com santos arcanjos, e com voz sonora

With holy archangels, and with resounding voice

Os mortos porá dos sepulcros p'ra fora

He will raise the dead from the graves

Jesus, breve, vem nos buscar

Jesus, soon, comes to take us

Cristo, que há de vir, virá!

Christ, who is to come, will come!

Ele não tardará, sim, Jesus vem

He will not delay, yes, Jesus is coming

Aleluia! Aleluia! Amém!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen!

Aleluia! Amém!

Hallelujah! Amen!

Talvez voltará quando o dia feneça

Perhaps he will return when the day fades

Ou em uma noite a luz resplandeça

Or on a night the light will shine

Irmãos, esperai que Jesus apareça!

Brothers, wait for Jesus to appear!

Jesus, breve, vem nos buscar

Jesus, soon, comes to take us

Cristo, que há de vir, virá!

Christ, who is to come, will come!

Ele não tardará, sim, Jesus vem

He will not delay, yes, Jesus is coming

Aleluia! Aleluia! Amém!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen!

Aleluia! Amém!

Hallelujah! Amen!

O Seu esplendor e a glória veremos

We will see His splendor and glory

Do mundo, então, nós por fim, sairemos

From the world, then, we will finally depart

Assim, grande gozo no céu fruiremos

Thus, great joy in heaven we will enjoy

Jesus, breve, vem nos buscar

Jesus, soon, comes to take us

Cristo, que há de vir, virá!

Christ, who is to come, will come!

Ele não tardará, sim, Jesus vem

He will not delay, yes, Jesus is coming

Aleluia! Aleluia! Amém!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen!

Aleluia! Amém!

Hallelujah! Amen!

Added by Inês Costa
Lisbon, Portugal March 4, 2025
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