Ide Segar Lyrics Translation in English

Harpa Cristã
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Para os campos a segar

To the fields to reap

Eis o trigo a lourejar

Behold the wheat to goldenly wave

Ide ceifar, ide segar

Go harvest, go reap

Todo dia trabalhai

Work every day

E só de Jesus falai

And speak only of Jesus

Ide ceifar, ide pregar!

Go harvest, go preach!

Ide segar, ide ceifar!

Go reap, go harvest!

Sim, trabalhai, e proclamai!

Yes, work and proclaim!

Eis que o amor do Salvador

Behold the love of the Savior

Vos impele ao Seu labor

Compels you to His labor

Sem demorar, ide segar

Without delay, go reap

Para o vale, monte ou mar

To the valley, mountain, or sea

O Senhor vos quer mandar

The Lord wants to send you

A proclamar, anunciar

To proclaim, to announce

Os perdidos procurar

Seek the lost

Pois Jesus os quer salvar

For Jesus wants to save them

Ide falar, e proclamar!

Go speak and proclaim!

Falaremos com fervor

We will speak fervently

Do poder do Salvador

Of the power of the Savior

Ao pecador, ao sofredor

To the sinner, to the sufferer

Pronto chegará o fim

The end will come soon

Soará do céu o clarim

The trumpet will sound from heaven

Tereis, então, o galardão

You will then have the reward

Added by André Costa
Maputo, Mozambique March 5, 2025
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