Hino de Niterói (RJ) Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Hino de Niterói (1673)

Anthem of Niterói (1673)

De ocas rudes de palmas, das relvas

From rude huts of palm, from the grass

Ao guerreiro estrugir do boré,

To the warrior's roar of the boré,

Quantas vezes os filhos das selvas

How many times the sons of the forests

Levantaram-se á voz do pagé!

Rose to the voice of the pagé!

Manejando o tacape emplumando,

Handling the club, feathering,

Ora a flecha a brandir venenosa,

Now the arrow wielding poison,

Quantas vezes de guerra o seu brado

How many times in war their shout

Trovejou pela pátria formosa!

Thundered across the beautiful homeland!

Valente Araribóia,

Valiant Araribóia,

Da campa surge, o heroe!

From the grave arises, the hero!

Vencendo o inimigo alçaste

Conquering the enemy, you raised

Trophéos a Nictheroy

Trophies to Nictheroy

E assim, ó Praia Grande,

And thus, O Praia Grande,

Teceu-te o berço a Glória,

Glory wove your cradle,

Teu nome em lettrasd`ouro

Your name in golden letters

Refulge em nossa história.

Shines in our history.

Sertaneja inda ingenua, n`outrora

Once innocent countryside, in the past

Era a Aldêa num leito de brumas,

The village was a bed of mists,

Tendo á fronte aureo nimbo da aurora,

Having on its forehead a golden halo of dawn,

Tendo aos pés alva fimbria de espumas;

Having at its feet a white fringe of foam;

Para ornato era a silva, eram flores,

For ornament, there were woods, there were flowers,

Tinha a voz de um gorgeio a pureza:

It had the voice of a songbird's purity:

Vio-a o Rei... quando enlevo! E de amores

The King saw it... what rapture! And with love

Deu-lhe carta e foraes de nobreza

Gave it charters and noble privileges.

O`bella Villa Real,

Oh beautiful Villa Real,

O`seductora plaga,

Oh seductive region,

Que em leve harpejo de ósculos

That in a light harp of kisses

A Guanabara afaga!

Caresses Guanabara!

Sê justa, ao altar da Patria

Be just, at the altar of the Homeland

Vem grata e reverente

Come grateful and reverent

C`roar de verdes laureas

To crown with green laurels

João Sexto e J`se Clemente

João Sexto and J`se Clemente.

Hoje, enquanto de alijorfre vestidas

Today, while adorned with jewelry,

Bailam nai`des nas praias azues,

Naiads dance on the blue beaches,

E dos montes no cimo as ermidas

And on the mountaintops, the hermitages

Erguem ao ceu, muda, a prece da Cruz:

Raise to the sky, silent, the prayer of the Cross:

Vae lá dentro o rugir do trabalho

There goes the roar of labor,

Zumbe o tear, chispa a serra, artde a forja,

The loom hums, the saw sparks, the forge burns,

Bate á nave as cavilhas o malho,

The hammer beats the ship's rivets,

Ou na incude arduos ferros escorja.

Or forges tough irons on the anvil.

E`a febre do progresso

It's the fever of progress

De um sec`clo de labor;

Of a century of labor;

Avante, Nichtheroy!

Forward, Nictheroy!

Confia em teu valor,

Trust in your worth,

Tens um porvir brilhante,

You have a brilliant future,

Dos fortes é a victoria,

Victory belongs to the strong,

Na rota ao fim fulgura

In the route to the end shines

Como um pharol: a Glória!

Like a lighthouse: Glory!

Added by Cátia Silva
Salvador, Brazil August 19, 2024
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