Jesus Perente Pilatos Lyrics Translation in English
Irmãs FalavinhaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Prenderam o filho de deus,
They arrested the son of God,
Perante pilatos ele foi levado
Before Pilate, he was taken,
Sem pena e sem compaixão,
Without mercy and without compassion,
Pela multidão ele foi condenado
By the crowd, he was condemned.
E quando ele sentiu sede,
And when he felt thirsty,
Vinagre lhe deram para beber,
Vinegar was given to him to drink,
E numa cruz pendurado
Hanging on a cross,
Ali transpassaram o filho de deus.
There, they pierced the son of God.
Rasgaram suas vestes,e ali o crucificaram,
They tore his clothes, and there they crucified him,
Jesus já quase sem voz disse ao pai
Jesus, almost voiceless, said to the Father,
Tudo esta consumado,o véu do templo rasgou-se
It is finished, the temple veil tore,
O sol se escureceu,
The sun darkened,
A natureza chorou a terre tremeu quando ele expirou.
Nature wept, the earth trembled when he breathed his last.
Então ao terceiro dia madalena e maria,
Then, on the third day, Mary Magdalene and Mary,
Ao sepulcro chegaram,
Reached the tomb,
O anjo do céu desceu,
The angel from heaven descended,
A pedra removeu e ali se assentou.
Removed the stone and sat there.
O anjo disse as mulheres,vieram buscar a jesus
The angel said to the women,
Mais ele já ressurgiu,vede o tumulo vazio,
He has already risen, see the empty tomb,
Ele ressuscitou.
He is resurrected.
voltar ao coro
Return to the chorus.