Salvo Pela Graça Lyrics Translation in English
Jefte SantosPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Salvo pela graça
Saved by grace
Fui liberto pelo sangue de Jesus
I was set free by the blood of Jesus
Livre eu sou livre pra pregar tua palavra
I am free, free to preach your word
E te adorar
And worship you
Agora nova criatura sou
Now I am a new creation
As coisas velhas ficaram pra trás
The old things are left behind
O velho homem já morreu nova vida ele me deu
The old man has already died, a new life he gave me
Não vivo mais eu
I no longer live
Cristo vive em mim, cristo vive em mim
Christ lives in me, Christ lives in me
Added by
Fabio Santos
Luanda, Angola
February 24, 2025
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