Julgais Lyrics Translation in English

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English Translation

O que você fez pelo menor que trampa no farol

What have you done for the kid working in the traffic light

Tá aí pagando de herói e abandonou o filho

There you are acting like a hero and abandoned your child

Vendendo peixe e nem pagou o anzol

Selling fish and didn't even pay for the fishing hook

Na frente dos erros sempre coloca Cristo

In front of mistakes, always mentions Christ

Dízimo pra quem quer enaltecer, esnoba quem tá numa pior

Tithe for those who want to praise, snubs those in a worse situation

Ama o próximo que vai te doutrinar

Love your neighbor, it will indoctrinate you

Rédea pra quem quer assim seguir

Rein for those who want to follow this way

Passar pelo bar julga quem está caído

Passing by the bar, judging those who are fallen

De terno azul bebê, esqueceu do seu passado

In light blue suit, forgot about your past

De quando era deprê, e branquinha a noite toda

When you were depressed, and white powder all night long

Jacuse, e narguilé e duas para servir

Jacuzzi, and hookah and two to serve



Espada á defender, talão esta quitado

Sword to defend, the bill is paid

Comprou um teco de bloco e acha que tá salvado

Bought a piece of block and thinks he's saved

Salvao que vai tomar quando os menino descobrir

He'll be saved when the boys find out

Que a tiazinha que ele extorque, vixi nem tá ligado

That the lady he extorts, oh, she's not even aware

Avisa prus menino que pra ele subir

Warn the boys that for him to rise

Da água que ele bebe tá faltando cloro

The water he drinks is lacking chlorine

Peroba pra madeira não gera cupim

Peroba for wood doesn't generate termites

Papai que me perdoe hoje tô cheio de ódio

Father forgive me, today I'm full of hatred

Cheirando loló pra ficar lelé

Sniffing glue to go crazy

Pique Bagdá então canta Lili

Pretending Baghdad, then singing Lili

Saiu com a Lulu rumo zona sul

Went out with Lulu towards the south zone

Tá pique patrão até encontra lá lá

Feeling like a boss until he finds her there

Perdição esqueceu que na terra somos livres

Lost, forgot that on earth we are free

Perfeição nem no país da Alice

Perfection, not even in Alice's country

Não julgais, pois no caminho havia pedras

Do not judge, because on the way there were stones

Plantou maçã colheu ervas

Planted apples, harvested herbs

Fumaça pra alto pra comemorar

Smoke up high to celebrate

Fizeram a boa uma pra ser lembrado

They made the good one to be remembered

São drinks e graves e popô pra o ar

Are drinks and bass and buttocks in the air

Esquecendo do acerto que tinham fechado

Forgetting the deal they had closed

Agora moio a quebrada tá como?

Now the neighborhood is messed up, how's it going?

Fecharam as saídas só tem perigoso

Closed the exits, only dangerous ones

Esquece o torro, esse tá no erro

Forget the joint, this one is in the wrong

Avisa prus menino que pra ele subir

Warn the boys that for him to rise

Da água que ele bebe tá faltando cloro

The water he drinks is lacking chlorine

Peroba pra madeira não gera cupim

Peroba for wood doesn't generate termites

Papai que me perdoe hoje tô cheio de ódio

Father forgive me, today I'm full of hatred

Cheirando loló pra ficar lelé

Sniffing glue to go crazy

Pique Bagdá então canta Lili

Pretending Baghdad, then singing Lili

Saiu com a Lulu rumo zona sul

Went out with Lulu towards the south zone

Tá pique patrão até encontra lá lá

Feeling like a boss until he finds her there

Added by Carla Sousa
São Paulo, Brazil June 15, 2024
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