Sitiozinho Lyrics Translation in English
Nico BregaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu comprei um sitiozinho
I bought a little farm
Resolvi mudar pra lá
Decided to move there
Logo preparei a terra
Soon I prepared the land
Que plantado tudo dá
Planting everything it yields
Plantei pé de macaxeira bananeira
Planted cassava and banana trees
Plantei milho plantei soja e feijão
Planted corn, soybeans, and beans
Uma horta preparada bem cuidada
A well-cared-for prepared garden
Cinco ou seis metros de chão
Five or six meters of ground
Muita sombra muito verde água fresca
Plenty of shade, lots of green, fresh water
Uma casinha bem singela amarela
A simple, yellow house
Até que minha mulher
Until my wife
Chamou a família dela
Called her family
Veio os burros dos cunhados
The donkeys of the brothers-in-law came
A cachorra da avó dela
Her grandmother's dog came
As galinhas das cunhadas
The sisters-in-law's chickens came
Acabei comendo elas
I ended up eating them
O bode velho do avô
Her grandfather's old goat
O veado do seu tio
Her uncle's deer
Não agüentei a pressão
I couldn't handle the pressure
Encurtei o meu pavio
I shortened my fuse
Perdi a paz, perdi a paz.
Lost my peace, lost my peace
Veio à família e também os animais
The family and also the animals came
Fiquei com raiva e acabei botando fogo
I got angry and ended up setting fire
Na égua da minha sogra
To my mother-in-law's mare
E no cavalo do meu sogro
And to my father-in-law's horse