Botas Furadas Lyrics Translation in English

Raffael Marques
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Nunca achei que ia ser fácil e não foi

Never thought it would be easy, and it wasn't

Deixei sangue das minhas mãos nas rédeas

I left blood from my hands on the reins

A lágrima em meus olhos e o suor da minha testa

The tear in my eyes and the sweat on my forehead

Tem o mesmo gosto

Have the same taste

Correm no meu rosto

They run down my face

Disseram que eu era fraco mas nem ouvi

They said I was weak, but I didn't even hear

Minhas botas furaram com o calor do asfalto

My boots got pierced by the heat of the asphalt

Caminhando com a dúvida entre ser fraco ou desistir

Walking with the doubt between being weak or giving up

Eu quis ser herói, sangue de cowboy

I wanted to be a hero, cowboy's blood

Eu só peço a Deus um pouco de fé

I only ask God for a little faith

Pra seguir na estrada com as botas furadas

To continue on the road with my worn-out boots

Caleje os meus pés

Callous my feet

Added by Nuno Santos
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau March 12, 2025
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