Vitória Na Cruz Lyrics Translation in English
Sofia CardosoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
(Vitória, vitória na cruz)
Victory, victory on the cross
Três cruzes foram levantadas no monte chamado caveira
Three crosses were raised on the mountain called Skull
Um inocente foi condenado, sem nenhuma compaixão
An innocent was condemned, without any compassion
Uma coroa de espinhos, em sua fronte foi colocado
A crown of thorns was placed on his forehead
Pés e mãos foram cravados na cruz
Feet and hands were nailed to the cross
Quanta agonia, Jesus ali passou
How much agony, Jesus endured there
Por você e por mim, tudo suportou
For you and for me, he bore everything
Com seu rosto desfigurado, como um cordeiro sofreu calado
With his face disfigured, like a lamb, he suffered in silence
Tudo por amor
All for love
Eram três horas da tarde, quando Jesus expirou (expirou, expirou)
It was three in the afternoon when Jesus breathed his last (breathed his last, breathed his last)
O Sol escureceu, o véu do templo se rasgou
The sun darkened, the temple veil tore
A terra tremeu, a natureza chorou
The earth trembled, nature wept
E Jesus seu espírito ao pai entregou
And Jesus gave his spirit to the Father
Quanta agonia, Jesus ali passou
How much agony, Jesus endured there
Por você e por mim, tudo suportou
For you and for me, he bore everything
Com seu rosto desfigurado, como um cordeiro sofreu calado
With his face disfigured, like a lamb, he suffered in silence
Tudo por amor
All for love
Foi na cruz, que em sacrifício vivo Jesus sua vida deu
It was on the cross that in living sacrifice Jesus gave his life
Pra nos salvar, seu sangue na cruz verteu
To save us, his blood on the cross was shed
Após Jesus ter expirado, o seu corpo da cruz foi retirado
After Jesus breathed his last, his body was taken from the cross
Numa sepultura nova, meu mestre foi sepultado
In a new tomb, my master was buried
Mas ao terceiro dia algo tremendo aconteceu: Sim! Aconteceu
But on the third day something tremendous happened: Yes! It happened
O túmulo se abriu, o túmulo se abriu
The tomb opened, the tomb opened
E Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
And Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Ele reviveu, aleluia
He revived, hallelujah
Jesus reviveu, Jesus reviveu
Jesus revived, Jesus revived
Ao terceiro dia a morte ele venceu
On the third day, he conquered death
Jesus reviveu, Jesus reviveu
Jesus revived, Jesus revived
Pra nossa vitória a morte venceu
For our victory, death was defeated
Jesus reviveu, Jesus reviveu
Jesus revived, Jesus revived
Pra nossa vitória a morte venceu
For our victory, death was defeated
Jesus reviveu, Jesus reviveu
Jesus revived, Jesus revived
Pra nossa vitória a morte venceu
For our victory, death was defeated
A morte venceu
Death was defeated