Boiada Cuiabana Lyrics Translation in English

Tião Carreiro e Pardinho
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Vou contar a minha vida do tempo que eu era moço

I will tell you about my life from the time I was young

De uma viagem que fiz lá pro sertão do Mato Grosso

About a journey I took to the backlands of Mato Grosso

Fui buscar uma boiada isto foi no mês de Agosto

I went to gather a herd, it was in the month of August

Meu patrão foi embarcado na linha Sorocabana

My boss embarked on the Sorocabana line

Capataz da comitiva era o Juca flor da fama

The foreman of the convoy was Juca, famed in the land

Fui tratado pra trazer uma boiada cuiabana

I was tasked to bring a herd from Cuiabá

No baio foi João Negrão no tordilho Severino

On the bay horse was João Negrão, on the dappled gray was Severino

Zé Garcia no alazão e no pampa foi Catarino

Zé Garcia rode the chestnut, and on the pinto was Catarino

A madrinha e o cargueiro quem puxava era um menino

The godmother and the cargo carrier were led by a young boy

Eu sai de Lambari na minha besta ruana

I left Lambari on my sorrel steed

Só depois de trinta dias que cheguei em Aquidauana

Only after thirty days did I reach Aquidauana

Lá fiquei enamorado de uma malvada baiana

There I fell in love with a wicked woman from Bahia

Ao chegar em Campo Grande num cassino eu fui entrando

Upon arriving in Campo Grande, I walked into a casino

Uma linda paraguaia na mesa estava jogando

A beautiful Paraguayan was playing at the table

Botei a mão na gibeira dinheiro estava sobrando

I put my hand in my pocket; I had plenty of money

Ela mandou me dizer pra que eu fosse chegando

She signaled for me to approach

Eu mandei dizer pra ela vai bebendo eu vou pagando

I signaled back to her: drink up, I'll cover the cost

Eu joguei nove partidas meu dinheiro foi rodando

I played nine games, my money was dwindling

A Lua foi se escondendo vinha rompendo a manhã

The moon was setting, the morning was breaking

Aquela morena faceira trigueira cor de romã

That charming brunette, with a hue like pomegranate

Soluçando me dizia

With a sob, she said

Muchacho leva-me contigo que te darei toda a minha alma

"Young man, take me with you, and I'll give you my soul

Todo meu amor, todo meu carinho, toda minha vida

All my love, all my affection, my entire life"

Os boiadeiros no rancho estavam prontos pra partida

The cowboys at the ranch were ready for departure

Numa roseira cheirosa os passarinhos cantavam

In a fragrant rose bush, the birds were singing

A minha besta ruana parece que adivinhava

My sorrel steed seemed to sense

Que eu sozinho não partia, meu amor me acompanhava

That I wouldn’t leave alone, my love was coming with me

Eu parti de Campo Grande com a boiada cuiabana

I left Campo Grande with the herd from Cuiabá

Meu amor veio na anca da minha besta ruana

My love rode behind me on my sorrel steed

Hoje tenho quem me alegra na minha velha choupana

Now I have someone who brings joy to my old shack

Added by Nuno Santos
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau January 4, 2025
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