Cane, Quejo e Flango Lyrics Translation in English

Yudi e Maloca
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Eu tave em casa, cansado tava deitado

I was at home, tired, lying down

Do nada bateu maior vontade de comer um salgado

Out of nowhere, a strong craving for a snack hit me

A minha atitude parceiro tu não acredita

You won't believe, partner, what I did

Desci o morro todo só para lanchar no China

I went down the hill just to have a snack at China's

E chegando lá eu não sabia o que comer

And when I got there, I didn't know what to eat

Perguntei assim pro China: tem salgado de quê?

I asked China like this: do you have snacks of what?

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken



China ficou bolado quando comecei a rir

China got mad when I started to laugh

Falou que só tinha de cane, ou flango com catupili

He said they only had dog or chicken with catupiry

Pedi uma Coca-cola e um molho de pimenta

I ordered a Coca-Cola and a pepper sauce

Perguntei quanto é que deu, ele falou: tleis e qualenta

I asked how much it was, he said: thirty-five and twenty

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken



Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken

Cane, queso, flango

Cane, cheese, chicken



Added by Cátia Silva
Salvador, Brazil February 18, 2025
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