Ei, Mulher!
Alessandra VieiraLyrics
Ei, mulher!
Hey, woman!
Eu achei que a força estava nos teus braços
I thought the strength was in your arms
Delicada e frágil eu te descreveria
Delicate and fragile is how I would describe you
Nem sabia o que trazia tantos traços
I didn't even know what carried so many traits
Tua força vem manifestada em forma de coragem
Your strength manifests itself in the form of courage
Carregada de suor e poesia
Loaded with sweat and poetry
Se revelam dentro das tuas mensagens
They reveal themselves within your messages
Foi quando eu descobri que eu deveria ter cantado as tuas rimas,
That's when I discovered I should have sung your rhymes,
Tuas dores, teus amores, tua luta no igualar de tantas cores
Your pains, your loves, your struggle in equalizing so many colors
Te abraçado e te jogado muitas flores pra suavizar o peso do mundo.
Hugged you and thrown many flowers to soften the weight of the world.
Porque o mundo faz doer
Because the world makes it hurt
Suas barreiras, seus meninos tão carentes e sem destino
Its barriers, its boys so needy and without a destiny
Tão distantes de promessas que um dia possam ver
So distant from promises that one day they may see
Que ao cantar o próprio hino nem entendem as entrelinhas
That when singing their own anthem, they don't even understand the nuances
Mas teu pulso feminino faz minha fé reacender
But your feminine pulse reignites my faith